Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Christian Music in Canta

Churndog is writing an article about Christian Music for our esteemed supply of free wrapping paper and fire starter and approached me as a Christian Music fan for some comments and ideas. I thought seeing as I was typing them up for him, I would paste them here as well for anyone interested:

"I think people have a lot more choice in whether they like a song than they give themselves credit for.
For example, when I was in fourth form, I really thought "Everybody" by the Backstreet Boys sucked, then a friend said he really liked it. It made me reconsider, and I even bought their "as long as you love me" cassingle. (yes, I know I shouldn't make that public)

Music is really subjective, I'm into Christian music because I choose to like it. That said, I don't like all christian music simply because it's by Christians. I have a penchant towards harder and heavier stuff rather than cheesy pop. But some of the heavy stuff is not up to scratch with the others, and occasionally there's some really good cheesy pop, that for some reason I will decide I like. I'm not really into hip hop, but I really dig John Reuben.

Likewise, I do not think music sucks simply because it is not from a christian perspective . A lot of it is very good, and I will enjoy listening to it at friend's places, watch music videos on c4 (and change the channel during the dodgy ones) and keep an eye on music news in the paper and magazines. However, If I genuinely believe in God and want him to be first in my life, then surely he should be more important to me than my cd collection and influence my taste in music.

Besides, as a student you have to be selective in what music you by, becaues you can't afford everything, and I like to obtain my music legally (self righteous christian gimp showing through here--maybe you shouldn't quote the last part of this sentance, but you can if you like)

To someone who likes music as much as I do, the music we listen to is a big part of defining our identity, and we can choose what to include in that identity and what to leave out. I suppose this is where prejudice against Christian music can make an impact- People may think it is uncool to like Christian music. To a large extent they are probably right, not because of anything wrong with the music, but because coolness is based on individual and public perceptions and opinions, not on impartial reviews of the music quality. I think this is probably also why so many artists who are Christian don't like to be labelled as making Christian music.

As for me, I am a Christian music fan, A Christian who is a fan of music, and a fan of Christian music."


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